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HI !

Soul Expansion Coach & Inspired Wellness Advocate

  • PhD in Metaphysical Sciences & Philosophy (Student)

  • Ordained Spiritual Minister (Student)

  • Certified Trauma Informed Coach 

  • Certified Somatic Healing Practitioner 

  • Certified Hypnotist & NLP Practitioner (Member with the National Guild Of Hypnotists)

  • Reiki Master & Teacher 

  • 200 HR Yoga Teacher:

    • Yin, Nidra / Restorative, Gentle Flow & Prenatal 

    • Trauma & Depression, Chakra Yoga & Yoga For Kids 

  • Sound Healing Practitioner 

  • Over 25 years of experience in Metaphysical Sciences & Philosophy

Once, not so long ago, the stars aligned to test me with a trial of fate. A tumultuous marriage with a narcissistic psychologically abusive partner, and battles with physical and mental health left me in a state of disarray. Yet, the magic that was to unfold was not yet clear to me. My essence was plagued with anxiety, overwhelm, overthinking, and a constant sense of dread. My being was burdened with procrastination, digestive issues, immense physical pain, and hormonal imbalances. These were the chains that bound me, and I struggled to find a way to break free from them. I was lost in a cycle of impulsive behaviours, fight or flight responses, fear, and my emotional state was lost in a shroud of non-existent boundaries, and amplified by guilt, shame, disconnection from self and lack of purpose. I put on the smile, acted as if everything was fine, preached “positive vibes”, and followed the healing trends of mainstream wellness. I worked with medical doctors, naturopathic doctors, shamans, reiki practitioners, therapists, and many other experts in their respective fields. Nothing worked. I was consumed with frustration and resigned that this was “just the way life was going to be for me”. At my lowest point I looked at myself in the mirror and could not recognize the refection looking back at me. I slowly felt the numbness settle in and pull me into the darkness, my soul was aching to be seen and present in this indescribable emptiness, and in the cruel depths of knowing and not knowing; my mind, body and soul called it quits and I was done. Fortunately my attempt at ending my life was not successful.

I woke up the next day in a cloud of confusion between disappointment and relief, but also a knowing that there had to be more than this. There had to be the “big break”, the “awakening”, the “divine intervention” that everyone always spoke of. But where was it? When was it going to present itself?

I asked myself, “How do I get rid of this energetic hoarding in my body?”

Was it possible that there was an even deeper layer to my healing that I had not yet reached? Was my suffering just from the events in my life that I remember ? Or were there memories that I somehow chose to lock in and allow to absorb into every fiber of my existence ? Somehow my body, mind and soul collected a much larger catalogue of trauma than I thought.

I immersed myself back into my metaphysical practices, discovered some new ways of healing, and modified many others to create an intense collective of tools of self-healing. A collection that has helped me and my clients take their mind, body and souls; out of “starvation” mode and into an inspired path toward action-oriented abundant healing.

Healing, is hard f**ken work. It forces us to move beyond what we see and know about ourselves and dig deeper into the core or our very existence. It forces us to see our true selves, and in doing so, we are able to live life in the most authentic way possible.

Inspiration comes from curiosity, opportunity, vulnerability, and following your true internal compass. The journey as to where that compass leads you is what creates the magic to inspire the soul.

Reading with Coffee

My Experience With Trauma Response:

  • Difficulty Regulating Emotions

  • Dysfunctional outbursts and/or dissociation 

  • Losing the Ability to Feel Safe or Trust Others

  • Feeling Of Loosing Control

  • Hyper-vigilance. 

  • Helplessness and Shame

  • Feelings of Neglect & Abandonment or extreme isolation and/or loneliness

  • My self-esteem was shattered 

  • Self-Gaslighting & Self-Sabotage

  • Feeling That No One Understood Me Or My Experiences

  • Combined with a loss of trust, this is very a lonely place. Left unchecked, such persistent Sadness, anxiety & depression escalate to self-harm or suicidal thoughts.

  • Flashbacks

  • Nausea and other digestive issues

  • Extreme pain without any obvious cause

  • Palpitations and tremors

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Insomnia and sleep disruption

  • Hormonal Changes

  • Hair Loss

Awards & Recognition:

2020 Hamilton Spectator Reader's Choice

Gold Winner - Aromatherapy

2021 Brantford Community Votes

Bronze Winner - Homeopathy

2021 Brantford Community Votes

Silver Winner - Aromatherapy​

2021 Hamilton Spectator Reader's Choice

Platinum Winner - Aromatherapy​

2022 Brantford Community Votes

Silver Winner - Homeopathy

2023 Brantford Community Votes

Gold Winner - Homeopathy


Behind The Scenes...


When I'm Not Coaching


So aside from coaching, what do I do?


Well, to start. I am a Dental Office Manager (which I love and fortunate enough to balance with Life Refunded). 


I am an ambitious, energetic, no-filter, loud, bubbly, unapologetic, soul driven woman.

I have nephews and nieces that I enjoy spending time with and spoiling from time to time.

Not to mention about a handful of fur nieces and nephews that bring me so much joy. 


In the summer months you can often find me on the water in my kayak, hiking on a nature trail, puttering around at the antique markets, spending the day at the beach, taking heels dance training classes, spending an afternoon at the firing range, taking spontaneous road trips to no where or enjoying some good old fashioned BBQ's with my friends and family. 


In the winter, I'm usually spending most of my time trying to figure out how to stay But in the winter I tend to paint, bake, read - alot, and catch up on some shows I've been meaning to watch. 


I curate an organic product line called : ONE.Apothecary.

I am a culinary artist at my hobby side hustle at: First Bite : Dessert Bouquets


Needless to say.  I like to keep myself busy. But always enjoy my down time as well. 


It's funny how it seems as if I'm busier now, but have more time. 


That's me in a nutshell.  

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